Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Libation - Saranac's 12 Beers of Summer

If you haven't tried Saranac's 12 Beers of Summer, you don't know what you are missing! This "tasty dozen" includes a couple different styles of hefeweizens, a few syle of ales, an imitation Grolsch (called Glolsch) and a pilsner - two of each! These taste great on a warm summer evening and offer a bit more "bang for your buck" than the average light beer that one typically gulps after mowing the lawn or exercising (or maybe that's just me?). Saranac's other sample packs can't even compare. This is Viceroy's SLAM DUNK "drink of the week"!


A list of Viceroy's favorite summer brews...

  • Stella Artois - so fresh, so clean
  • Pilsner Urquell - pour this sumabitch into a tallllll glass.
  • Corona - obviously! (with OR without lime wedge)
  • Coors Light - great to drink in the shower while you soap
  • Wild Goose Pale Ale - nice on a dark, rainy night...or on a bright sunny beach

1 comment:

Snizow said...

SNOWFANYWOLFPOO brought a 6-pack of fresh, clean STELLA on the Cape Cod-Martha's Vineyard ferry to drink en route from Oak Bluffs to Hyannis. All 4 cracked cold ones on the ferry, only to be BUSTED by Ferry Fool, told not to crack any more. Remaining 2 had chez KLIM. The point? STELLA receives anonymous acclaim as a great summer libation.