Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cabinet Bracket Time!

So, who does everyone like for cabinet posts? DISCUSS!

Looks like Robert Gibbs is the pick for the Press Secretary. I like Gibbs. He's smart, smiley and seems like an all around good guy. Thumbs up.

Drama with the Rahm Emmanuel pick as Chief of Staff as he told the press he wasn't sure if he would do it...what's up with that?

Keeping Gates on as SecDef would be a great move. Gates has been great and the tide in Iraq turned under his supervision.

I don't think Powell will get one of the big posts. I don't think he'll want it.

Kerry as the top diplomat! I hope not. Please, with all the capable people out there, let's make sure to keep flip-flopping Guy Smiley out of this!

Caroline Kennedy as UN Sect? Seriously?

RFK Jr as head of the EPA...okay.

KLIM as Minister of Libations? YES!

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